Help Build Houston’s Future

Through our Traditional Homebuyer Program, the Houston Land Bank sells lots to Approved Homebuilders at a discount from market prices. In exchange, the builder agrees to construct a quality affordable home to be sold to an income-eligible homebuyer at or below a capped price.


We look for builders committed to the equitable transformation of Houston’s neighborhoods, especially in areas designated by the City as Complete Communities. Approved Homebuilders must also be able to show financial stability and good references and align with our goal of being good neighbors in the communities we serve.

Our builder/developer RFQs are listed on the Resources page under Procurements. We welcome responses from all interested builders, even those who are just getting started in the business. Sign up for updates on our next Homebuilder RFQ here.


Our Approved Homebuilders are eligible to buy Houston Land Bank lots at below-market prices. As lots are made available, Approved Homebuilders can submit competitive proposals for developing quality affordable homes on the properties. The proposals for each lot are evaluated for:

  • Neighborhood Design Appropriateness (Whether design fits with the neighborhood); 15 points
  • Home enhancements in addition to the Minimum Standards (Features that increase quality of life, home efficiency, and lower long term maintenance cost for the homebuyer); 15 points
  • Proposed sales price per square foot (As originally proposed); 15 points
  • Track Record (Demonstrated ability to advance the sale of a home to a qualified homebuyer); 5 points

The best-scoring proposal is selected to move forward for construction.

We expect our Approved Homebuilders to stay on schedule and within budget, and to keep open lines of communication with neighbors and with us. As a good partner, we provide marketing and listing support, helping builders connect with qualified homebuyers. Our lot sales are ongoing.

To learn more about the Traditional Homebuyer Program, you can read the Program Guidelines here.

Please click the links below to access the documents and recordings associated with our builder meetings

Builders Forum – November 3, 2022 – Presentation

Builders Information Session – April 19, 2022 – VideoPresentation | Q&A

Builder Workshop – March 6, 2021 – Q & A | Video

2nd ePP Builder Forum – December 28, 2020 – Video

Builder Workshop – Lot Applications – November 13, 2020 – Q & A | Video

Builder Forum for ePP construction reporting – October 5, 2020 – Video

Optional Virtual Builder Forum – August 31, 2020 – Video

Please see below, related documentation for builders.

Traditional Program Guidelines – PDF

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